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Rehabilitation & Pain Relief Workouts

Rehabilitation & Pain Relief Workouts

Hip, shoulder, knee, back pain? Returning to exercise after an accident? Feeling stiff after sitting at your desk all day? Our Rehabilitation/ Pain Relief workouts are for you. These effective, restorative, rejuvenating sessions will help to relieve your pain and prevent it from recurring.

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Rehabilitation & Pain Relief Workouts
  • Hip Releasing Stretch Session

    We will be focusing on all of the muscles that surround the joint, releasing, lengthening and stretching to ensure you have increased range of motion and we'll eliminate hip pain!

  • Hip Pain Relief Tutorial

    The Hip Flexors are the most important postural muscles in the body. Whether you are extremely active or you have a job that keeps you sedentary, they become tight very easily. This tutorial will show you how to release tightness in these muscles and stretch them out, targeting them from several ...

  • Hamstring Release Tutorial

    Tight, inflexible hamstrings are extremely common and can lead to chronic back, hip and knee pain. When we sit for extended periods of time with our knees bent and slouching, it causes the hamstrings to shorten and tighten (this position leads to tight hip flexors also).

    This tutorial stretches ...

  • Gentle Lower Back Pain Tutorial

    This tutorial is designed for those of you with acute lower back pain caused by a fall or accident whereby you have damaged the spine and are looking to start to rehabilitate with your doctor's approval. It's also for those who have severe chronic lower back pain and are looking for a way to get ...

  • Foam Roller Deep Tissue Release

    We will be working deep into the muscles in this workout! Deep tissue massaging with the roller releases tightness, increases your range of motion and eliminates adhesions.

    An adhesion is a band of scar tissue that develops as the body attempts to repair itself. This can occur after surgery, in...

  • Build A Better Back Workout

    Get the building blocks you need to create a stronger, healthier back! This workout will release tension in the areas that can trigger severe back pain and also dramatically strengthen your deepest stabilising muscles to give you support, stamina and control. You will notice a significant differe...

  • Back Strength Ball Workout

    In this workout we will be using the overball to engage and enhance the all important back extensor muscles! This will improve posture, align the spine and also define and tone every inch of the back of the body! Not only does the ball provide resistance for incredible toning results, but it also...